USEF Show Pass
- Introduction
- What are the New USEF Rules?
- Getting Started
- Step 7: USEF Membership Check
- Preview of Entry Update
- Entry PDF Updates
- EE USEF Show Pass FAQ
- EE USEF New Rules for Show Management FAQ
Important Websites for more Information
Welcome to Equestrian Entries’ update regarding the new USEF ruling. Our goal is to provide a full understanding of the new USEF rule regarding the Show Pass, as well as to go through the changes we have made to the Entry Process that in turn will help make it easier to understand for both entrants and show management.
With these changes, entrants will be able to:
- Better understand what is now required to compete in USEF rated shows.
- See their memberships and whether or not the membership expires before the start date of the competition in a step instead of the summary of their entry.
- State whether or not they have purchased a Show Pass if their membership is not active by the start date of the competition.
- State whether or not they renewed their membership, if their membership is not active by the start date of the competition.
- Have direct access to our FAQ in a link to better understand the rules.
With these changes, show management will be able to:
- See in the entry, whether or not an entrant has purchased a show pass, renewed their membership or not.
- Better understand the new rules and what is now required in order for entrants to compete.
What are the New USEF Rules?
- Riders and Owners can purchase a Show Pass if their membership is not valid/active by the show start date.
- A show pass can only be purchased once per competition year.
- A show pass can be purchased from USEF directly, for $45.00.
- A show pass can only be purchased if the show start date is within the next 14 days, and can be purchased while the show is in progress.
- If the Rider/Owner is the same person as the Trainer/Coach, then they CANNOT purchase a Show Pass.
- Trainers and Coaches CANNOT purchase a show pass and must have an active competing membership.
- Parents signing as a trainer/coach, must have an active membership, and cannot purchase a show pass.
- Anyone over the age of 18 and has an active membership must complete safesport training, including parents who sign as trainers/coaches.
- When a Show Pass has been purchased directly from USEF, the USEF API will send the Show Pass to show management for the show it was purchased for.
Getting Started
Our goal is to make the new ruling easier to understand during the entry process so that there is no confusion as to what is required to enter a USEF rated show.
Added to the entry process is another step, Step 7: USEF Membership Check. This step will check all persons USEF memberships and shows a chart of the memberships. If a membership is no longer valid/active then the system will flag it, and will give a few options and the entrant must choose any that apply in order to proceed to checkout.
The options chosen will show up on the summary of the entry, so that the entrant will know what option(s) they have chosen before proceeding to checkout.
Once the entry has been paid for, the options chosen will show on the Entry PDF so that show management will also be able to see what option(s) were chosen and can be aware of the situation.
If you have any questions about the new rules and need help, please check out our FAQ! If you still need help, please email us at:
Step 7: USEF Membership Check
In Step 7, if all memberships are active and within good standing, our system will show a message stating that, like so:

If the memberships are not active and/or missing, this step will show that and give multiple options to choose from. The options will vary depending on who has an inactive/missing membership. At least one option must be chosen per section in order to proceed to checkout.
With these options, we have also added in a link to take you directly to USEF.
For a Rider/Owner the options will show as:

For Trainer/Coach the options will show as:

These options can be changed anytime UNTIL an entry has been paid for or if the show closes for entries.
If Opportunity and/or Introduction classes have been chosen, the Membership Check will note that no memberships are required for that entry, like so:

Preview of Entry Update
In the summary of the entry before an entrant proceeds to checkout and pays for said entry, the option(s) chosen will also show here, allowing the entrant to double check that they have chosen the correct option(s).
Once reaching the preview, in the ‘Problems’ tab, we state who is either missing or has an invalid membership.

If all memberships are good, no message will show in the ‘Problems’ tab regarding the USEF/USDF Cards.
In the ‘Summary’ tab, if a membership is inactive and/or missing, this tab will display what option was chosen at the time the entry was created.

These options can be changed any time UNTIL an entry has been paid for or the show closes for entries.
Entry PDF Updates
Once an entry has been paid for, the entrant and show management will also be able to see the option(s) chosen in the Entry PDF.

USEF Show Pass FAQ
- What is a Show Pass?
- Where/when Can I purchase a Show Pass?
- How many Show Passes can I purchase?
- When I purchase a Show Pass, do I need to send it to the show management of the show I purchased it for?
- What happens if I purchase a Show Pass for a competition, but I don't end up going to the show and using the Show Pass?
- I lease a horse and have an active USEF competing membership. The owner of the horse does not. Can I put myself as the owner so we do not have to purchase a Show Pass?
- I am a parent of a minor and am identified on their entries as trainer and/or coach, do I have to have a USEF competing membership?
- I am a non - US citizen entering a competition as a rider/owner, so I need to purchase a Show Pass?
- Are there any classes that will be exempted from the membership and Show Pass fee?
- If my horse does not have a membership, do I need to purchase a Show Pass or get a membership for them?
- My membership is active when I signed up for a show, but is supposed to expire before the show date. Will I have to purchase a Show Pass?
USEF New Rules for Show Management
- Do USEF shows need a $45 non - membership fee for USEF?
- Can Show Passes be purchased from Show Management or EqEntries?
- How do I know if a rider or owner has purchased a Show Pass?
- Are there any exemptions to the Show Pass and/or Membership?
What is a Show Pass?
- The USEF Show Pass allows riders, drivers, handlers, vaulters, longers, owners, lessees and agents to compete at a USEF recognized show without a USEF competing membership.
- A Show Pass is only good for a single show. If a multi-day competition is set up to be multiple shows, not just one show, the show pass will not cover the entire competition.
- Riders, drivers, handlers, vaulters, longers, owners, lessees and agents are only allowed to purchase one (1) Show Pass each per competition year.
- A Show Pass can only be purchased directly from USEF and can only be purchased within fourteen (14) days from the competition's start date or can be purchased a Show Pass once a competition has started, but before horse and rider compete.
- Trainers and Coaches are not allowed to purchase show passes.Trainers and Coaches must have an active competing membership in order to participate in USEF recognized competitions.
- USDF non - member rules are unchanged for 2022. You can find more information about the USDF non - member fees here: USDF Memberships
Where/when Can I purchase a Show Pass?
- A Show Pass can only be purchased directly from USEF, online, for $45.00.
- A Show Pass can only be purchased in the fourteen (14) days prior to the start date of the competition and can be purchased if the competition has already started, but must be purchased before horse and rider can compete.
- Show Passes cannot be purchased from show management or EqEntries.
How Many Show Passes can I purchase?
Show Passes can only be purchased and used by a rider and/or owner once per competition year.
Once the singular show pass has been used, an active USEF competition membership is required, in order to compete in another USEF show
When I purchase a Show Pass, do I need to send it to the show management of the show I purchased it for?
No - When purchasing a Show Pass, you will have to state which show you are purchasing it for, and USEF will send the information to show management once it has been completed and purchased.
What happens if I purchase a Show Pass for a competition, but I don't end up going to the show and using the Show Pass?
Recieved Directly from USEF:
"The show pass fee is a non-refundable fee. When the member pays the show pass fee they receive a code in which they can apply the $45 to their future membership. Once a show pass fee is paid (even if it is not used) they are no longer eligible to do another show pass and will need to complete a membership."
I lease a horse and have an active USEF competing membership. The owner of the horse does not. Can I put myself as the owner so we do not have to purchase a Show Pass?
Yes - either the lessor or the owner of the horse can be on an entry as “owner”, as long as that person either have an active membership or purchase a show pass.
I am a parent of a minor and am identified on their entries as trainer and/or coach, do I have to have a USEF competing membership?
- Any person who is identified on an entry for a USEF recognized show as a coach or a trainer, (defined by USEF as the person, 18 years or older, who takes responsibility for the horse at competitions) must have an active competing USEF membership.
- Trainers and Coaches cannot use a Show Pass, even if they are the parent of the rider/owner. They must have active USEF competing memberships.
I am a non - US citizen entering a competition as a rider/owner, so I need to purchase a Show Pass?
If you can show that you have an active membership from your national federation, you do not need a Show Pass or a USEF competing membership. Otherwise you will either need a Show Pass or a USEF competing membership.
Are there any classes that will be exempted from the membership and Show Pass fee?
Yes - Here is the list of classes directly from USEF(Question 4):
- Leadline
- Exhibitions
- Games and races
- Classes for 4-H members
- Walk trot (exception: Friesian performance FR231) and Academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program)
- USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes
- NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions
- Opportunity classes
- Citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation
- USEA beginner novice division
- Assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes
If my horse does not have a membership, do I need to purchase a Show Pass or get a membership for them?
No - Only a Horse recording is required to compete in Qualifying and Championship classes. All other classes do not require a horse to have a recording or membership. More information can be found here: USEF Horse Recording FAQ
Show Passes are not available for horses
My membership is active when I signed up for a show, but is supposed to expire before the show date. Will I have to purchase a Show Pass?
Yes - If you do not renew your membership prior to the show start date, a Show Pass will need to be purchased in order to compete.
PLEASE NOTE - Only Riders and Owners can purchase a Show Pass. Trainers and Coaches CANNOT purchase a Show Pass and must have an active competing membership by the date of the show in order for their riders to compete.
USEF New Rules for Show Management FAQ
Do USEF shows need a $45 non - membership fee for USEF?
No. This fee should either be $0 or blank (not in use). If another value is put in for this fee, the system will still not utilize it. NO USEF NON MEMBER FEES WILL BE CHARGED.
Can Show Passes be purchased from Show Management or EqEntries?
- No Show passes can not be purchased from Show Management or from EqEntries.
- Riders/Owners: must purchase a Show Pass directly from USEF
- Show passes can only be purchased within 7 days of a competition's start date, and/or can be purchased after a competition has started, but must be purchased before horse and rider can compete.
- Trainers and Coaches: are not eligible for Show Passes. They must have an active USEF membership in order to be part of a competition.
How do I know if a rider or owner has purchased a Show Pass?
- Once a Rider/Owner has completed a Show Pass for the show through USEF, the Show Secretary will receive an email from USEF with the Show Pass purchased.
- Show Management is responsible for sending over all copies of the Show Pass to USEF in their competition report.
Are there any exemptions to the Show Pass and/or Membership?
Yes there are some exemptions.
Non US-Citizens: any person who is not a US-citizen and can prove they have an active membership with their own national federation, in English, are exempt from needing a Show Pass or USEF competing membership.
Yes - Here is the list of classes directly from USEF(Question 4):
- Leadline
- Exhibitions
- Games and races
- Classes for 4-H members
- Walk trot (exception: Friesian performance FR231) and Academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program)
- USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes
- NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions
- Opportunity classes
- Citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation
- USEA beginner novice division
- Assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes